
Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

You know when you first start blogging….

and you don’t know how to operate your camera?

So you upload unedited, straight out of the camera photos.

And they’re enormous. And not so great.

And because you know nothing about SEO, you don’t even bother with that either.

You just upload them and shout “look at my cupcakes!!”

And no one really does.

Because you didn’t even bother tagging them within the post.

Yeah, I don’t know anything about that either.

This post? I don’t where that came from! (giggle)

Yesterday, while going through old photos for Throwback Thursday on Instagram, I came across these gigantic, unedited, poor lighting cupcakes.

So I decided to repost them because I felt like they needed an extra day in the limelight and therefore I’m bringing you….

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes.

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

You start by tinting your favorite buttercream a ghoulish green.

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

Then use a variety of candies to assemble your creepy creature’s facial features.

Marshmallows, fruit roll ups, twizzlers, gumdrops, etc.

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

Then use toothpicks as your base and have fun creating.

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

Then name each of your husband’s assistants with their own name tags.

It’s an office conversation for sure.

Personalized Halloween Cupcakes

Happy Decorating!


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