5 Apron Inspired Halloween Costumes

Since Halloween is this week, I thought it would be fun to take a journey through just how many costumes are inspired by aprons.

There was a time when I didn’t look at costumes and think “that’s really just a fancy apron”.

Or, “I bet I could make that in apron form and keep on wearing it long after the holiday”.

Do you remember my very first apron of this sort?

It was the Lalaloopsy.

Created for Miranda at Whimsically Detailed, I basically just replicated the costume on her daughter’s birthday invitation.

In apron form.

lalaloopsy 1

Then I did it again, based off a Snow White costume for Tini Posh.

Snow White Inspired Apron

Little Red Riding Hood, complete with a hooded cloak for Over The Top Mommy?

Yes, I did that too.

Little Red Riding Hood Inspired Apron

Progressive caught onto the apron wearing trend. They have a page that will specifically guide you on how to dress like Flo, complete with link to purchase the costume.

Dress Like Flo

Image via: Progressive

Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz?

She was totally wearing an apron.

Dorothy Costume

When I was debating what I’d be this year, Dorothy was a strong contender.

But I decided to wait until my hair was a little longer for pigtails and channel my inner 50’s and sock hop it instead. I’ll post those photos soon!


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