5 Things I Learned About Cooking School

The past two Saturdays I’ve been in Mississippi hosting the Taste of Home Cooking School.

I’ll be wrapping up the series of shows this weekend in Lake Charles, Louisiana and as fun as its been I’m so happy to get my Saturdays back, and spend some time creating the recipes we performed on stage at home.

Rather than just recapping the previous two shows, I figured I’d share the top 5 things I learned about cooking school.

Taste of Home Cooking School

Number 1:  Stage Lights are HOT. 

Taste of Home Cooking School

I mean, this is probably a no-brainer but all those flashing lights while you’re trying to chat it up and keep people engaged? You need a water bottle. It gets hot.

Number 2:  Seeing your recipe in print is FUN.

Aimee Broussard's Party Meatballs

I created the Honey Garlic Party Meatballs a while back and knew the shows would be incorporating them into the presentation, but I guess I never rationalized how exciting it would be to see them set up with all the ingredients and an “official” recipe card.

Flip that card over and my name and home state is listed.

Want a set of recipe cards? I’ll mail you some, just say the word.

It’s even more FUN to see your face with your meatballs on the big screen. The fact that the audience is prompted to oooooh and aaaahhh over them is quite nice, too.

(Sidenote: Things you never thought you’d say, “I was excited to see my face with my meatballs”)

Aimee Broussard Honey Garlic Meatballs

Number 3: Not Making the “concentrating” Face is HARD.

Taste of Home Cooking School

This could also be titled “Reason 1001 why Aimee will never have a Food Network show”.

In all honesty, I think what was happening here was the Culinary Chef was saying not to stress about making your meatballs perfectly round, that they look more homemade if they’re a little imperfect. And while I agree, I’m a round roller. I like mine to be similar size and shape and will roll them until they get that way. I think I was looking at his meatball disapprovingly….and it was caught on camera.

And, but, also…..my plastic gloves I’m wearing to roll the meatball mixture were about 5 sizes too large and I was trying desperately to keep them from falling off into my meatballs.

Don’t you love how many excuses I have for not smiling as I roll my meatballs?

Number 4: Meeting Blog Friends in Person is FANTASTIC. 

S is for Sweet

I’ve “known” Kisha from  S is for Sweet online for a while now, and as much as I drool over her dessert table setups have never met her in person. She made the drive to the Lula show to say hello, and I was so stinkin excited to meet her.

If you’re local to Memphis, she hosts a morning segment on WCBI all about party planning and is just as sweet as her business name implies.

And last but not least,

Number 5: Supportive in-laws are the BEST. 

Taste of Home Cooking School

I’ve said it before but I am truly blessed with the family I inherited when I married my husband.

My in-laws are gracious, supportive and generous and will do just about anything to see Brian and I happy.

They made the 3 hour trek to Vicksburg because they had plans the weekend of the Lake Charles show.

3 hours, ya’ll!

And then they posed with the Taste of Home magazines in their goodie bags.

Campaign poster material for future shows I tell you.

One last thing before I go. Here’s the information for that Lake Charles show I mentioned.

Taste of Home Lake Charles Cooking School

Just click the photo and it’ll take you to the website for ticket information, or click here: Lake Charles Cooking School

Be sure to drop me an email and let me know if you’re coming!

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