
Game Day Whoopie Pies

Game Day Whoopie Pies 

Game Day Whoopie Pies

T’was the night before game day,

and all through the town.

The sprinkles were flying,

on the lemon cakes so round.

Filled with almond, and oh so fun,

the real tailgate winner has been already won.

Geaux Tigers, Geaux Tigers, Geaux Tigers they roar,

give us those game day whoopies,

and you better have MORE!

Game Day Whoopie Pies

So yeah, I’m a little excited about my game day whoopie pies.

Almost called them my game day sprinkle whoopies, but that’s a little wordy.

Anyway, I’m so excited I made you a rhyme.

You’re welcome.

Game Day Whoopie Pies

Seriously easy.

1 box of Duncan Hines Lemon Supreme cake mix.

Wilton Cakes Whoopie Pie pan.

1 batch of Almond Buttercream.



Bake the whoopie pies according to box instructions.

Fill with buttercream/frosting.

Then sprinkle!

You can either pour sprinkles onto a plate and roll your whoopies into the sprinkles.

Or if you’re OCD like me, hold your whoopie over the plate and hand sprinkle the whoopies by the finger tip fulls.

Rotate. Sprinkle. Rotate.

Box em’ up for game day.

And watch your crowd go wild!

***If you’re not heading directly to the game, place in refrigerator until you’re ready/overnight.***

Happy Game Day Eve, who are you rooting for this weekend?


  1. Yes, yes, yes!!!! No need for food coloring, just slap some black sprinkles on your red velvet and call it a day. Happy Baking!!!!

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