Raspberry Jam Brownies

Do you know how sometimes you want brownies but you don’t really want just ordinary brownies? And in your attempt to avoid ordinary brownies, you start thinking about all the fun concoctions you could put into your brownies like Oreo’s, or Thin Mint cookies, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, banana chips, etc. But even still, nothing really stands out?

Raspberry Jam Brownies with Homemade Whipped Cream

Until you look through your refrigerator and spot the container of  raspberries then quickly double check that you also have Raspberry Jam and think to yourself, “self- what about Raspberry Jam Brownies?” And self is all like, “oh yeah, Raspberry Jam Brownies sound all healthy like. You should definitely make those”.

Smucker's Raspberry Jam

And so you do.

Raspberry Jam Brownies with Homemade Whipped Cream

And  then you top them with homemade whipped cream garnished with a single raspberry and a sprig of mint and think to yourself how tragic it is that you missed your calling in catering.

And you further think to yourself how you never in a million years thought you’d find such delight in something as simple as making your food look pretty.

Because let’s face it, these brownies are pretty. And I bet I’m going to make them with cranberries for the holidays because not only will they will look pretty, they’ll also look festive. And not only will they look pretty and festive, but they’ll taste good too.

Let’s talk about how easy these brownies are, ok?

I’m going to share a little secret with you and I hope you won’t tell anyone.

The brownies are a mix. Sssshhhhh…….

You’re going to jazz them up with the raspberries so before you go thinking you’re some sort of loser for making boxed brownies, take another look at those brownies. Do those look like any boxed brownies you’ve ever seen?

Didn’t think so.

Raspberry Jam Brownies with Homemade Whipped Topping

So go ahead and prepare your brownie mix as instructed on the box and pour into your brownie pan.

Now place about 1/2 cup of Raspberry Jam Preserves into a microwave safe container and heat for about 30 seconds. Just enough to make it slightly runny. Starting at the top of the pan, drizzle the raspberry jam into straight lines going all the way down- 3 down and then 3 across left to right. Like a tic tac toe board with an extra column.

Using a toothpick, drag smaller lines through each of the larger crosses. You basically just want to spread thinner lines across the brownies. You want to drag it gently enough to make lines, but with enough pressure to settle into the brownies.

Bake as directed.

Once completely cooled, cut your brownies and whip up the homemade whipping cream.

Homemade Whipped Cream
Author: Aimee
  • 1 c. heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 tbsp confectioners’ sugar
  1. In a large bowl (chilled if you have time), whip cream until stiff peaks are just about to form. Beat in vanilla and sugar until peaks form. Do not over beat.

Using a piping bag, swirl the whipped cream on top and garnish with a raspberry and mint sprig.

The tip I used is the Wilton 1M.

Keep refrigerated until ready to serve so that the whipped cream stays firm and cool.

The sweetness of the raspberries combined with the richness of the chocolate brownies topped with the light and airy whipped cream is such a sweet  and ooey gooey treat.  Just enough ooey gooey, too. And the best part is that it will leave you feeling a lot less guilty than you would had you put Oreo’s in your brownies!

 PS: Have you noticed some changes to the website? Thoughts? Easier to read? Yeah? No?

Maybe so?


  1. Please help! I have made these two times now and my jam keeps sinking so much that you can’t even really see any jam on top! They R delicious but I really want the red jam to show on top.
    Thank you

    1. Hi! It’s been so long since I’ve made these, but how thick are you adding the jam? If not adding thinly and barely swirling it into the batter, I could see where the jam might weigh itself into the brownies. I think it’s also why I heated the jam slightly, to spread it out a little easier.

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