My Sweet Time at Wilton

There were two things I wanted to accomplish at my very first BlogHer in Chicago a few weeks ago.


Get on the list to attend the Wilton Cake Event. (#WiltonBlogHer13 for everyone’s recaps)

I’m happy to report that despite my tardiness in posting, I accomplished both. I lived!

Barely, but that’s another post.

Even better?

I decorated a snack cake.

A snack cake?

You know, a Twinkie look alike, that you can make all by yourself.

All. By. Yourself.

Before I show you my snack cake, hop on board the Wilton train. Er, bus.

Wilton Tour Limo Bus

If your logo is on the sign, then you may proceed.

(anyone noticing all the cake stands above my head? I wanted an extra hour to play in their prop room).

Wilton Tour Sign

Wilton Tour Presentation

Did you know that the Wilton behind Wilton Cakes was a man?

Me either.

Started in 1929, Dewey McKinley Wilton taught decorating classes to chefs and caterers….in his dining room.

See girls? Dream big.

And remember…it generally starts in the dining room.

Wilton 4

Monkey is thinking “I just can’t believe Aimee is here to decorate snack cakes!”.

Me either, Monkey. Me either.

Now about those snack cakes.

This Fall, Wilton will be launching new baking pans to make all sort of fun snack cakes.

Like these coconut bon bon cakes.

Wilton 5

My conference roommate, Amanda from The Pretty Pinhead is busy decorating her homemade Twinkie.

Probably not supposed to call them Twinkies….

She’s decorating her snack cake!

Wilton 7

She went with a white chocolate covering topped with cookies and cream sprinkles.

Wilton 6

For my snack cake, I also covered in white chocolate.

And then….

I used the pastel colored edible pearls to create little flowers.

Polka Dot Apron + Wilton

Can’t see my snack cake due to my blinding polka dots??

I told ya’ll I was bringing my own apron!

After snack cakes, we spent some time creating buttercream rosettes, piping lattice, etc.

We got to tour where the actual creative spaces behind the photos we see in print come from.

One girl was using a q-tip to get the frosting in her push up pop container just perfect.

I was intrigued.

We got to see the “studio” where all of their print photos are taken.

Doubly intrigued.

And then…..we got to walk through the secret room where cameras were strictly forbidden.

Forbidden because those creations we will end up seeing at some point in time but are top secret for now.

I’ll just go ahead and tell you that there was some absolute Halloween cuteness in that room!

Next, we boarded the bus and headed to the Wilton Cake Decorating School and stand alone store.


Here’s a group photo of us in front of the store.

Wilton Tour Group Picture

And if you’re wondering what the inside of the cooking school looks like?

Cakes to your right…..

Wilton Cake School Cakes

And cakes to your left…..

Wilton 9

Cakes shaped like dresses….

Wilton Cake Tour

And small cakes on the walls….

Wilton Walls

Even cake art in the reception station area….

Wilton Cake School Reception Area

Too much cake?

Of course not!

For even MORE cake, follow Wilton on Pinterest.

Their Pinterest boards are delicious. And inspiring.

If you’ve made it through this lengthy post, you deserve a snack.

A snack cake!


  1. omgosh soooo exciting! Now I want a *Twinkie! and some coconut! Oh and not only did I love the apron, but I also your polka dot sweater!

    1. Thanks! When I got dressed that morning, I seriously forgot I’d be wearing polka dots on polka dots! And yes, you’re going to need the snack can pan!! I can’t wait to get my hands on it and make “twinkies” weekly!

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