Holiday Hot Cocoa & Coffee Station
Todays post is brought to you by Keurig® 2.0 on behalf of Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. While compensated, all opinions are completely my own. #Keurig400 #CollectiveBias
You guys, we are five days away from Christmas. FIVE! With that being said, there is still time to easily pull together an oh so cozy, holiday hot cocoa & coffee station. You know what else there’s also time for? Time for you to add the Keurig® 2.0 to your Santa list.
And I hear what you’re saying….Buuuuuut I already have a Keurig or I don’t need to invest in yet anooooother Keurig. Or worse, I don’t have a Keurig because I don’t believe it’s all that wonderful.
Here’s my story.
I recently told my husband I wanted to upgrade my Keurig I’ve had for nearly 2 years to the new and improved Keurig 2.0 for the holidays. Do you know what he said to me? “You have a Keurig. You don’t need another Keurig”. I tried, tried, tried to explain to him that while I love my Keurig dearly, each and every time I have multiple people over and the topic of after dinner coffee arises, I cringe. You know why I cringe? Because as wonderful as my current single cup Keurig is for myself, it creates a waiting line when more than 2 people would like some coffee. So my dilemma was to either invest in an inexpensive coffee pot to have on standby for those occasions or to convince him to allow me to upgrade my Keurig.
That was, until, the Keurig Gods heard my pleas and came to my rescue.
Or, Santa.
Whomever you believe in most.
Say hello to my new best friend, the Keurig 2.0.
With the ability to brew both a single cup or a…..wait for it, wait for it……a four cup carafe of coffee the Keurig 2.0 magically arrived on my doorstep. Not only does it allow for a single cup or multi cup carafe, it also features Keurig 2.0 Brewing Technology™- simply meaning it reads each lid to deliver a perfect beverage every time.
I was so darn excited that I whipped that carafe right out the box and monogrammed it right away.
Let’s not let anyone mistake that carafe is all mine. I even put a bow on it, because, by golly it’s Christmas.
Here’s Miss Keurig in action.
Select the carafe feature.
See it telling you that it’s going to brew 3-4 cups? Hear those angels singing???!!!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!
Now let’s chat about how easy it is to use the Keurig 2.0 to incorporate a holiday hot cocoa & coffee station into next week’s festivities shall we?
For starters, you’re going to want a variety of fun toppings for your hot cocoa. I have some flavored marshmallows, chocolate peppermint dipping sticks, regular peppermint sticks, striped straws, cute mugs and some signage to tell people what to do.
I also have some Keurig K-Cup Packs in a variety of flavors to accommodate anyone not in the mood for hot chocolate. Did you know that Keurig now offers over 400 beverage varieties from 60 brands ? I mean, I knew they were taking up more and more space on the Walmart shelves (also where you can purchase your Keurig 2.0- hint hint) but I had no idea there was that many!
And sometimes someone might say, “oh, I’m not really in the mood for anything, thanks” until you round the corner with the hot chocolate on a serving tray.
And then, before you know it, everyone is attacking you for the hot chocolate because, honestly, who is going to pass up hot chocolate with homemade whipped topping (1 cup heavy whipping cream and 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar beaten in an ice cold mixing bowl until soft peaks form) and a chocolate hazelnut pirouette sticking out?
Not I.
And don’t worry if you don’t own the 2.0 yet, these simple tips will work for any type of brewing system- even the old-fashioned method of heating hot chocolate on the stove. Sometimes I make a homemade old-fashioned hot chocolate just for the nostalgia alone!
It all comes down to presentation and flavorful enhancements.
Now, if my holiday hot cocoa station hasn’t convinced you that you need the Keurig 2.0, let’s just take another look at how that monogrammed carafe is going to serve multiple people after dinner coffee like a champ!
Incredibly smitten.
Surprisingly, the wonderfully generous Keurig Santa Claus also sent me an extra brewing system to gift to someone special.
I played Santa myself and placed it onto the doorstep of our neighbor and dog sitter with a note basically apologizing for how early my dogs like to wake up in the morning.
You can connect with Keurig on social media:
Twitter: @Keurig
Facebook: Keurig
Do you have a special holiday tradition? I’m hoping to incorporate the hot cocoa station + pajama wearing Christmas lights sight seeing into our routine but the husband isn’t quite having it yet. Yet.
Like the Keurig 2.0, I typically manage to get my way.
Happy Holidays, Y’all!
Oh my gosh, you monogrammed your Keurig! Freaking genius!!!! Love your blog so much!
Oh yes, yes I did! Thank you for the kind comment. Merry Christmas!
I love the monogrammed carafe! What a great idea – the whole cocoa station was just adorable. Thanks for the ideas!!
If it sits, it gets monogrammed. Thank you so much for stopping by (and commenting)! Happy Hot Cooca-ing!
I have been thinking of getting a Keurig, and you have just sold me on the 2.0!!!
I can’t get over the monogrammed carafe! I love this, Aimee! Now you won’t have to wait in line for coffee during dinner parties, too. Thanks for sharing! #client